The SAP R/3 presentation interface behaves very similarly to any other typical window application and is also known as SAPGUI. The first screen that you come across in R/3 system is SAP logon screen.
SAP R/3 logon Screen
This is the first screen that appears when you use SAP logon utility. It has four fields: the client, the user, the password and the language.
Client: Here you enter the client number. The client is group of users who has similar rights. It can be group of users in a business entity or a whole business entity or a whole company.
• User: The name of the SAP user identification. Users of the SAP system are client-specific, which means that user belonging to one client is valid to only the particular client.
• Password: It is the password that has been assigned by the system administrator.
• Language: SAP R/3 system supports multinational language on the same system at the same time, which is very useful for multinational companies with different branches in several countries and possibly using different languages.
After entering all the fields press ENTER key and system will take you to MAIN MENU screen.
User might get different screens when he logs on, depending upon default settings of the user master record i.e., if user is DEVELOPER then the screen which he often works on is editor screen and he can go directly to this screen, if system administrator sets this screen for the user.
Main features of any R/3 window are as follows:
• R/3 standard window elements behave exactly the same, as any other standard window application would, like minimizing a screen, setting the active window etc.
• From TOP to BOTTOM, R/3 window can contain typical elements such as check boxes, push buttons, input fields and following elements:
• Menu bar is the first element of the every R/3 window. It contains the menu item corresponding to the particular R/3 application. The two menu options SYSTEM and HELP are always present in every R/3 window. SYSTEM menu option contains all utilities and functions, and is available to user at all the times. The HELP menu contains all the available options for the different types and methods of obtaining online help in the system.
• Standard tool bar. The second R/3 window element is present in every R/3 window. It is nothing but a collection of icons, which perform common functions like saving the object, exit etc. The various icons on std. Tool bar are as follows (from left to right):
Enter Command Field Save Back
Exit Cancel Print Find
Find Next First Page Previous Page Next Page
Last Page Help
All icons in R/3 window application support FOCUS property. It means, if you place cursor over an icon, the system will show the function of the icon.
• Application tool bar: The next part of the screen contains icons most commonly used in that particular task or transaction.
• Status bar is the bottom line of the screen and usually shows errors or information messages to the user. It also includes other information such as system id, session number, client, server name and the response time.
In between application tool bar and status bar you have working area, which is different for different screens.
Logging Off
User can log off the R/3 system from any screen. There are three ways of logging off the R/3 system, which are as follows:
• From the Menu bar choose SYSTEM LOG OFF. In this case, you get the log off dialog box, which informs the user that any data not saved will be lost if continuing with the log off procedure.
• Use/NEX transaction code in the command field. This is dangerous, since it does not ask if you want to save the data.
• Clicking on the EXIT button on the R/3 initial screen.
Using Transaction Code
The R/3 system provides an alternative and efficient way of selecting menu options for moving around the tasks and functions of the SAP system by using transaction code directly in the command field.
When moving with transaction, you can go to any part of the system by merely typing a transaction code in the command field, provided you have authorization for that. That transaction code is the four-character code associated with any task. By typing the transaction code and pressing ENTER key, the system takes you directly to the initial screen for transaction. Whenever any transaction code is entered in the command field, it gets stored in the buffer memory. If you click on drop down arrow, system displays list of transaction code already entered and you can select from this list or enter new one. There are almost twelve thousand and ninety four transactions in SAP. For every task, transaction code is associated and it can be found by
Status window is popped up which contains the transaction code in the trans field.
• Through DYNAMIC MENU. It gives the list of tasks. If you click on the top line of the application areas and pressing the search and search next button will give you the transaction code. /N will take you to initial screen of R/3
Important transaction codes, which you will be using often, are:
• SE37 Function Builder
• SE38 ABAP/4 Editor
• SE41 Menu Painter
• SE51 Screen Painter
• SE71 Form Painter
• SE11 Initial ABAP/4 dictionary maintain screen.
• SE80 Object browser.
• SE16 Data browser.
Testing Tools
• SE30 Runtime Analysis
• ST05 SQL Trace
Getting help in the R/3 system
R/3 includes many possibilities to get online help for almost every element of the system, users can get help for entire application, for specific function, for definitions of various terms used in SAP, i.e., Glossary, messages, screens, fields etc.
You obtain HELP by using any of the following options:
• Help function from the R/3 window, which is compulsory menu item of every R/3 window.
• ? Icon of standard tool bar.
• F1 function key.
The SAP system provides help on most fields that appear on the R/3 system. To get help on particular field, position the cursor over it and press help button or F1 function key.
Another way in which R/3 system provides help is when system displays error messages in the status bar. Double clicking on the status bar shows additional information about the message.